I was asked to Volunteer at the Polyclinic at Pan Am Games within the Athletes Village.
I was thrilled to participate to see the games from a different perspective. I had an incredible opportunity to interact with athletes from around the globe.
I was completely amazed by this unique experience. The spirt of the city, the enthusiasm of all the volunteers (myself included) and the pride I felt as a Torontonian and Canadian to be apart of this amazing international event.
What are the Pan AM Games? It’s a major sporting event featuring athletes competing in summer sports. 1000’s of athletes from the America’s came to Toronto to compete. The Pan AM Games are held every four years on the summer before the Summer Olympic Games.
I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to meet, and treat many athletes, coaches and support staff. While language was a barrier, it wasn’t long before I adapted by recalling some Spanish from my days practicing in Chicago. All of the patients I encountered were friendly and appreciate of the incredible efforts of all volunteers dedicated to make their experience visiting Toronto a memorable one.