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How to Manage Dry Eyes with an Eye Doctor in Vaughan

Dry eyes are a common reason many people visit an eye doctor in Vaughan. While there are many causes of dry eyes, ranging from environmental factors and screen time, they can be challenging and cause a number of vision and eye health challenges. Despite being a common condition, many people don’t realize they have dry […]

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Understanding the Impact of Screen Time

Screen time has become an integral part of our daily lives. Whether it’s for work, entertainment, or socializing, the average person spends hours each day looking at their screens. While these devices have revolutionized how we live and work, they also come with potential drawbacks, particularly regarding eye health. If digital screens are a big […]

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Why Start the School Year at the Eye Doctor

The approach of the school year is a busy time for children settling into new environments, and parents/caregivers focused on preparing their children for academic success. In the hustle and bustle of preparing for the new academic year, collecting school supplies and ensuring young children are well-adjusted, it’s easy for vision to be overlooked. However, […]

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Guide to Dealing with Cataracts

Our eyes are our windows to the world, playing an irreplaceable role in experiencing life’s beauty. However, vision impairments that develop overtime like cataracts can cloud our sight and jeopardize eye health. If you’re seeking insights on cataracts and maintaining your visual clarity, professional support and eye exams from an expert optometrist are imperative. Read […]

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How to Respond Safely to Eye Floaters

Floaters are a general term used to describe a range of visual phenomena that can range from small specks, flashes, threads, or cobweb-shaved images that appear in your field of vision. In most cases floaters are not a cause for immediate concern, but in certain situations floaters require emergency eye care. If you’re concerned about […]

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The Importance of Diabetic Eye Exams with an Optometrists

Our eyes are a gateway to the world around us and reflect our overall health. While maintaining eye health is crucial for everyone, it’s imperative for those suffering from diabetes. Did you know diabetes is the leading culprit behind vision loss in adults? If you’re living with diabetes, scheduling regular eye exams with an experienced […]

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How to Know if You’re Dealing with an Emergency Eye Infection

Eye infections are more common than many people realize. Studies show that in North America there are over 1 million annual visits to eye doctors for infection-related eye care, and approximately 1 in every 8 children will have some form of infection in their eye. While they can range in severity, infection around the eye […]

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How to Respond to Physical Eye Injuries Effectively

The eyes are incredibly delicate organs that our body does its best to protect. While it’s easy to think about illnesses like glaucoma, infections, and cataracts as the only threats to the eye, incidents that occur due to workplace mishaps, sports-related injuries, or everyday accidents can jeopardize the health of the eye. When these accidents […]

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4 Types of Eye Exams at Your Optometrist in Woodbridge

Eye exams are an essential tool that optometrists use to carefully evaluate the status of your ocular health. Eye exams go beyond the typical sight test, which assesses the quality of your vision, to diagnose underlying conditions that present around your eye and affect your overall well-being. Trusted optometrists in Woodbridge, like Dr. Brian Abrams, […]

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When Are Severe Headaches the Sign of an Eye Emergency?

emergency eye care doctor Woodbridge

Headaches are a common affliction that affects virtually everyone. Sometimes the cause of a headache can be as simple as dehydration, sleep deprivation, or stress. But in other cases, a persistent headache or migraine is the sign of something more serious. Because headaches can occur with such frequency, it may be tempting to sleep it […]

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