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Laser Vision Correction in Vaughan

Many Canadians have been opting for laser vision correction to eliminate a dependence on their eyeglasses or contact lenses. And like the majority of medical procedures, laser vision correction will provide benefits, while posing some risks. Mostly, it’s a procedure to correct “refractive” vision issues like hyperopia (far-sighted); myopia (near-sighted); and astigmatism (distorted vision). But recently, its been used to […]

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How Technology is Hurting Your Eyes and What You Can Do About It

On average, American adults stare at digital screens for 444 minutes or 7.4 hours per day. This number could be broken down into 147 minutes of watching TV, 103 minutes in front of a computer, 43 minutes playing with a tablet, and 151 minutes using a smartphone. Canada ranks no better, spending up to 376 […]

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Suffering from Digital Eye Strain?

Have you been staring non-stop at your screen? Are you working long hours on your computer or frequently reading books on your tablet? Or, have you been playing video games frequently? Many parts of our day revolve around technology, and it is straining our eyes. Most people have wondered how to overcome the slight eye […]

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How to Ease Dry Eye Symptoms

After sitting at work and staring at our computer screens for long hours, our eyes will send out warning signals. We typically push through the signals that our eyes need a break. If you feel pain, itchiness, redness, or blurry vision, then you are experiencing dry eye symptoms. Usually at these times, we rub our […]

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Why Your Children Need a Comprehensive Eye Examination

We rely on our vision for almost everything in our daily lives, and proper eye care is crucial for overall health, especially when it comes to children. An eye examination for your children can disclose much more to their optometrist than simply what their prescription is. Your optometrist is a highly trained medical professional who […]

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Are you at risk for Glaucoma?

After cataracts, glaucoma is the second-leading cause of blindness in adults. The term glaucoma refers to a group of related disorders that affect the eye’s optic nerve over time, causing blindness. Glaucoma is caused by high pressure inside the eye, or intraocular pressure. Over time, the increased intraocular pressure gradually damages the optic nerve, resulting […]

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Top 5 Things You Need to Know About Cataracts

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, which speaks volumes about the sensory service provided by the wonders that are our eyes. When our vision is affected by ailments such as cataracts, so is our entire way of life. Cataracts affect the vision of millions of Canadians each year, so it’s important to […]

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