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The Importance of Eye Examinations for Children

Undiagnosed vision problems in children is an emerging concern for many Optometrists. It is estimated that 1 in 6 children have a vision problem that may affect their ability to perform at school. The visual system not only affects the way a child sees, but it also affects their ability to learn. It’s this relationship between vision […]

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How Your Eyes Can Reveal Underlying Health Issues

I can’t tell you how many times I have been asked “Why do I need to get my eye’s checked, my glasses prescription has not changed for years.” Check out this great article about the importance of getting your eye’s checked as seen on Erica Ehm’s Yummy Mummy Club website. One of the things most important to point […]

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Eye Care for People with Diabetes

Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in adults age 20 to 74, so it’s particularly important for people with Diabetes to regularly see their Optometrist, because they are at increased risk of developing eye complications from their disease. Eye Disease rarely presents with visual symptoms. Early detection is paramount in protecting against diabetic retinopathy. […]

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