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Category: Diseases and Disorders

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Signs of a Diabetic Eye Emergency

Almost 10% of Canadians suffer from diabetes, but the condition impacts more than just glucose and insulin levels in the blood. Diabetes can also affect your vision. Regularly scheduled diabetic eye exams are crucial to early detection of conditions like diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma or even cataracts. However, it is also vital that diabetics are aware […]

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The Most Common Eye Conditions & Diseases

Our eye­s are important sensory organs, and maintaining their he­alth should be a high priority. Visual impairments and ocular disease­s can affect individuals of all ages, and if left unaddre­ssed, they may lead to severe conseque­nces, such as vision loss. Regular optometrist visits and prompt atte­ntion to any emergency eye care needs are vital. This […]

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When Do You Need an Eye Doctor for Conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis, commonly referred to as pink eye, is a prevalent eye ailment that can bring about discomfort and irritation. While some instances may resolve independently, others may necessitate the intervention of your eye doctor in Woodbridge. Discerning the appropriate time to seek professional assistance is crucial for effective and timely treatment. If you’re concerned about […]

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How to protect your eyes in the Summer….and all year long

It’s important to protect your eyes as you would your skin. If you have not had an opportunity to watch Dear 16 year old Me which was produced by The David Cornfield Melanoma Fund I would strongly suggest that you watch and share it with family, friends and co-workers. The mission of this Fund & Video is to educate […]

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When to See the Eye Doctor Immediately

With eyes and eyesight, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Some aspects of eye care, like a routine exam, require regular annual visits to the eye doctor. But not everyone has the same needs, so it’s important to follow the advice of an eye care professional. Depending on age, a comprehensive eye examination is […]

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Laser Vision Correction in Vaughan

Many Canadians have been opting for laser vision correction to eliminate a dependence on their eyeglasses or contact lenses. And like the majority of medical procedures, laser vision correction will provide benefits, while posing some risks. Mostly, it’s a procedure to correct “refractive” vision issues like hyperopia (far-sighted); myopia (near-sighted); and astigmatism (distorted vision). But recently, its been used to […]

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Suffering from Digital Eye Strain?

Have you been staring non-stop at your screen? Are you working long hours on your computer or frequently reading books on your tablet? Or, have you been playing video games frequently? Many parts of our day revolve around technology, and it is straining our eyes. Most people have wondered how to overcome the slight eye […]

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How to Ease Dry Eye Symptoms

After sitting at work and staring at our computer screens for long hours, our eyes will send out warning signals. We typically push through the signals that our eyes need a break. If you feel pain, itchiness, redness, or blurry vision, then you are experiencing dry eye symptoms. Usually at these times, we rub our […]

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Are you at risk for Glaucoma?

After cataracts, glaucoma is the second-leading cause of blindness in adults. The term glaucoma refers to a group of related disorders that affect the eye’s optic nerve over time, causing blindness. Glaucoma is caused by high pressure inside the eye, or intraocular pressure. Over time, the increased intraocular pressure gradually damages the optic nerve, resulting […]

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