Flashing in the eyes is more common than the average person might think. Known as a “photopsia” an eye flash is when a sudden flash of light happens but there is no identifiable source. Eye flashing can be incredibly disorienting. If you or a loved one have noticed these flashes, contact Dr. Brian Abrams, an experienced optometrist in Woodbridge specializing in emergency eye care. Our team understands the importance of addressing eye flashes from comprehensive eye exams to treatment options. If you, a loved one, or a child have been experiencing eye flashes, here are some common causes and guidance from a leading eye doctor in Woodbridge.
Read on to learn more about the common causes and symptoms of eye flashes!
Symptoms of Eye Flashes
Eye flashes can take the form of brief flashes of light or streaks of lightning across the field of vision and can come either with eye movement or without eye movement. The frequency and duration at which flashes occur vary from person to person. It is, therefore, very important to monitor changes and alert your doctors during a routine eye checkup or when visiting an emergency room for eye treatment.

Common Causes of Eye Flashes
There are a number of causes of eye flashes. In most cases, eye flashes are a symptom of a more serious condition that requires emergency eye care from an experienced eye doctor in Woodbridge like Dr. Brian Abrams.
- Posterior Vitreous Detachment (PVD): The most common cause of eye flashes, especially in older adults, is posterior vitreous detachment. The vitreous, a gel-like substance inside the eye, shrinks and pulls away from the retina with age, creating flashes of light.
- Retinal Detachment: A more serious condition, retinal detachment, occurs when the retina separates from the underlying supportive tissue. Eye flashes are often accompanied by an increase in floaters, shadows in the vision, or a curtain-like effect across the visual field. If you are experiencing both eye flashes and floaters together, contact Dr. Brian Abrams right away for emergency eye care.
- Migraine with Aura: Migraines can cause visual disturbances, known as auras, which can include flashes of light, zigzag patterns, or temporary vision loss. These symptoms typically precede the headache phase of a migraine.
- Nerve Inflammation: Inflammation of the optic nerve, known as optic neuritis, can result in eye flashes. This condition is often associated with multiple sclerosis and can cause pain, vision loss, and flashes of light. For more insight, book an eye exam with your optometrist.
- Head Trauma: Injury to the head like a concussion can lead to flashes of light due to the brain’s response to trauma. Even a minor concussion can cause temporary visual disturbances.
- Diabetic Retinopathy: Those with diabetes can develop diabetic retinopathy, where blood vessels in the retina become damaged. This condition can lead to eye flashes, floaters, and vision changes. To prevent the advancement of diabetic retinopathy and treat its symptoms, book a diabetic eye exam at your local eye doctor.
- Eye Surgery or Injury: Any surgical procedure or trauma to the eye can stimulate the retina, resulting in flashes. Post-surgical healing processes or scar tissue formation can also contribute to this symptom.
If you’re not sure what is causing flashes, book a visit to your eye doctor in Woodbridge. With many years of experience, Dr. Brian Abrams is a trusted optometrist who can provide you insight and care.
Eye Flashes Risk Factors
The one major risk factor for conditions that cause flashes in the eye is age, hence the need for routine eye check-ups, especially in older individuals. Again, in the presence of family history and other underlying or pre-existing medical conditions, one may be at risk of developing flashes. Identification of these risk factors provides insight for proactive eye care.
When to Seek Medical Attention
Knowing when flashes in the eyes can indicate a serious condition will help to take action at the right time. If you have episodes of flashing that are persistent or sudden, you should seek immediate medical attention. Urgent care for eye emergency conditions is best done by having a comprehensive eye exam by Dr. Brian Abrams, your trusted optometrist in Woodbridge.
Prioritize Eye Health with Dr. Brian Abrams
It is very important to identify the common causes of flashes in eyes and seeking timely medical attention is quite important for maintaining healthy eyes. Whether it is children’s eye testing or identifying problems in adults, sufficiently caring for your eyes has always been important. Dr. Brian Abrams states that everyone should be really proactive about their eye health and seek help if they have symptoms such as flashes. So why wait any longer? Your eyes depend on you!